MPU6050 lib for Edison
Wow, the time flew by last year. The mpu6050 draft code using the MRAA library finished shortly after my last post in May. However, I do not seem to get time to rewrite it in the correct coding style and to merge it with the 9150 code in the UPM library.
So I’ve decided to at least put the code I have online. You can download it here.
I actually decided to attach the MPU6050 to a DfRobot Beetle and use the Arduino library to communicate with the MPU6050. The data is now provided over the USB port or the UART on request. This allows my control loops to be slower without letting the FIFO of the MPU6050 overflow.
The footprint of the whole is the same as an SD-card, so still quite small. And for €7.40 euro it is a cheap and easy solution.