Category: Programming

Using Plotters with Yew

The Rust plotting crate Plotters provides a WASM backend through the crate plotters-canvas. Does this allow you to create plots in your Yew web app? Yes, it does. But you need the help of...


Like many people here in The Netherlands, I keep my network stuff in the utility closet. This closet is the entry point of water, gas and electricity in the house and contains all the...

More A2C in Tensorflow

I started writing this post a long time ago, but never got to the point of finishing and publishing it. Since A3C and A2C still seem to be relevant I’ve decided to wrap it...

A little animatronics – 1

I decided to be a little more creative and build myself my own Muppet style robot, which can move around using a bunch of old servos I had lying around. I started of with...

MPU6050 lib for Edison

Wow, the time flew by last year. The mpu6050 draft code using the MRAA library finished shortly after my last post in May. However, I do not seem to get time to rewrite it...


Intel Edison and Df Robot breakout board

I’ve recently purchased an Intel Edison, a relative new development platform from Intel Edison orientated at Internet of Things. The Intel breakout boards a a bit expensive, so I decided to buy an Df...

Arduino workshop

I’m giving a little Arduino workshop using DfRobot Beetles. In this post I provide some links to the documentation and tools. Download the workshop handout here. Download the server executable for MS Windows here....

Lambda closures and parallelism

So now and then I spend time at work explaining the somewhat trickier parts of programming to the junior and medior developers. I’ve decided to post these on my web site, such that everyone...