Steven's Blog

A Dulcitar

Last summer after completing the bed, I decided to just buy some different pieces of wood and make small things with it. Until to that point I’ve only worked with beech, spruce and a...

A bed

My son needed a new bed. His room is not a big room, so I want to be able to utilise any possible space for storage. Finding a suitable bed appeared to be troublesome....


For many  years we buy 20KG bags of rice. Somehow the bag is always in our way, causing us to drag the heavy thing around a lot. So I decided to make a nice...

A heavy small workbench – 3

A was lucky to be able to buy some 10mm diameter beech sticks, which would be perfectly suitable to make dowel pins for my draw bored mortise and tenon connection. But before inserting the...

A heavy small workbench – 2

Progress is very slow but steady as with most of my projects. The beams making up the top are all glued up. Even though the top is relatively small I decided to still first...

A heavy small workbench – 1

Lately I’ve started to do more and more woodwork, preferably without any power tools. This created a need for a proper workbench. Commercial workbench were not suitable (too big, too light or too expensive),...

A little animatronics – 1

I decided to be a little more creative and build myself my own Muppet style robot, which can move around using a bunch of old servos I had lying around. I started of with...

MPU6050 lib for Edison

Wow, the time flew by last year. The mpu6050 draft code using the MRAA library finished shortly after my last post in May. However, I do not seem to get time to rewrite it...


Intel Edison and Df Robot breakout board

I’ve recently purchased an Intel Edison, a relative new development platform from Intel Edison orientated at Internet of Things. The Intel breakout boards a a bit expensive, so I decided to buy an Df...

Arduino workshop

I’m giving a little Arduino workshop using DfRobot Beetles. In this post I provide some links to the documentation and tools. Download the workshop handout here. Download the server executable for MS Windows here....